Laurel Wilt Disease
Article at the Pinellas County Extension entitled “Laurel Wilt Disease in Pinellas County” by Theresa Badurek, Urban Horticulture Extension Agent:
Some of the leaves on trees in Pinellas County are changing colors, but it’s not so pretty.
Unfortunately we are seeing an increase in the number of bay trees ( Persea spp.) pp ) being hit by the deadly laurel wilt disease. Trees in the Lauraceae family including redbay and swamp bay are susceptible to laurel wilt. This is caused by an insect/disease complex and spread by the redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus). See photos below of the beetle. This tiny little insect bores into the tree and farms a fungus (Raffaelea sp.) in the vascular tissue of the wood for its own feeding purposes. This fungal growth inhibits the circulation of water and nutrients in the tree and eventually leads to the death of the tree.